10 Reasons Why Preschool Is Important
Preschool helps prepare children academically for grade school. Most schools including ours, focuses on social development, gross and fine motor skills, alphabets, phonological sounds, numbers, shapes, and colors.
Preschool helps children learn in a group setting. Other than play dates, many preschool aged children have not yet had significant experiences with talking to, working with, and helping other children.
Preschool helps children learn how to be away from their parent without anxiety. Many children and parents suffer with separation if the child has not yet experienced being away from the home or family in regular intervals.
Preschool helps children to socialize in a school setting. For many children the idea of listening when someone else is talking or raising their hand to speak is foreign. If this becomes an issue it can lead to disciplinary actions once they enter the school system. So, we’re practicing now!
Preschool broadens your child’s exposure to outside germs. We know that might sound insane, but it’s true! It is important for children to build immunity against the many different viruses’ that abound the public.
Preschool helps children understand that there are other authority figures outside the home that they must respect.
Preschool helps children to share with their peers. Many children are not required to share with other children because they may not have siblings just yet, or their siblings are further in age.
Preschool allows children to become more independent. While at school children will put their belongings away, dispose of their own trash, put on their jackets, drink from a cup, etc. When parents aren’t present children begin to utilize skills, they may not otherwise use.
Preschool prepares children for consistent schedules in school. When a child enters grade school they cannot lay in bed for as long as they’d like. Children learn they cannot eat and play whenever they’d like but must wait for the appropriate times and directions.
Preschool helps children with accountability and responsibility. Children will become consistent and eager with completing homework and class assignments.